Contact Us: We Don’t Bite (Promise)

Got Questions? Or Just Want to Say Hi? We’d love to hear from you—whether you need help with an order, have a burning question, or just want to share your favorite cat meme. We’re here for all of it!

How to Reach Us:

  • Carrier Pigeon: We tried, but they kept getting distracted by breadcrumbs.
  • Smoke Signals: Only effective if you’re within a 5-mile radius.
  • Email: - This is our personal favorite. Feel free to write us a novel or just a quick “hello.”
  • Phone: (419) 359-5553 - We like to pretend we’re old-fashioned sometimes. Feel free to call, and we’ll do our best to sound like we know what we’re doing.

We Respond Faster Than a Caffeine-Fueled Squirrel Okay, maybe not quite that fast, but we promise to get back to you quicker than you can say “Where’s my mug?”

Your Message Matters (Even If It’s Just About Netflix) Whatever you need, we’re here to help. And if you just need some fresh Netflix recommendations, we’ve got that covered too.

So Don’t Be Shy! Drop us a line, send us a note, or write us a poem. We love hearing from our customers—and if you make us laugh, we might just throw in a virtual high-five.

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